
Sunday, 22 September 2013

Operation - Find a Nursery


The time has come...... 
I have begun looking for childcare for Baby E for when I go back to work in April

I know this is not going to be easy.

I need to set the context as to why I am going to find this task particularly challenging.

In my role I am an Early Years Consultant - my background is that I am a qualified teacher who developed a passion working with the youngest children and as a result got an MA in Early Years Education.  I have worked in many schools and in my last school I was the Early Years Team Leader who helped lead my school to be deemed 'Outstanding' by Ofsted.  Following this I was approached to become an Early Years Consultant-my current role

In a nut shell this means that I spend a lot of my work days working with different early years settings (nurseries, pre-schools and schools) to improve current practice.

I know what 'oustanding' early years settings should look like and have very high expectations of every setting I work with.  Whilst teaching, I also had extremely high expectations of myself and my staff.  The reason for this is that I KNOW the difference we can make in the lives of children.

So this is why I think finding somewhere for Baby E will be very hard. Not only will I have my 'expert' hat on I will also have my 'mummy' hat on....

Over the next few blog posts I am hoping to share some of my TOP TIPS when looking for childcare.  Although I will be focussing on childcare for young children, a lot of what I will write about could also be used when looking for schools.


  1. I love the first quote- it is so true and it easy to forget that. Thanks for commenting on my blog post, it is lovely to find your blog- your design is gorgeous!

    1. I know what you mean about the quote, when I found this quote my heart melted and it made me want to remind EVERY teacher and anyone else working with kids! I love your blog so thanks for the comment
