
Saturday, 28 September 2013

Tree of Life

How to say Thank You

Baby E was a long time coming. 
We had fertility issues and tried conceiving 'naturally' for 1.5 years only to eventually be told that 'it would be a miracle for it to happen naturally' following specific tests.  
So our journey began....
JUST before Egg Transfer (baby E was put back inside me to GROW!)
This is not an IVF journey post, rather a post about saying THANK YOU to someone who helped bring Baby E into our lives.
My acupuncturist Liz
She is an amazing woman who was SO much more than just someone who put 'needles into me'.
I will not include the copious amounts of research that supports acupuncture (especially with aiding IVF procedures)...I also know that there are a lot of people out there who do not agree with it BUT I KNOW it helped us conceive our first round of IVF.

YES at times I did feel like a PIN cushion but what she ALSO did was keep me on track and keep me focused during every step of the procedure.  SO there were the physical benefits she gave me, the knowledge and guidelines about nutrition during each stage but also the emotional support. She specialises in fertility and was recommend by a friend who also conceived the first time.  
She 'grounded me' and reined me in when I felt stressed and worried and lost HOPE.
NO gift could EVER repay her for helping to give us our miracle, Baby E but I need to find something

My theme is around Trees.....mainly because I see her as the woman who HELPS give LIFE and for some reasons trees remind me of life...
The Tree of Life 

I love this print and actually have it in our house.  It is just beautiful and makes me smile every morning.  It is available from Missemai online botique

Or I could give her an actual plant, such as this Olive Tree by giftplant

Or this stunning tree necklace from Etsy shop thelovelyraindrop

I know she doesn't NEED, WANT or EXPECT anything but I know she played a MASSIVE role in helping bring Baby E into this world.
Sorry for the SOPPY POST

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